Sunday Afternoon Quickie: Hearth of The Ram, Ramsbottom

We’ve just come back from a very pleasant lunch at Hearth of the Ram in Ramsbottom.

I’d heard some great reviews about the food so I wanted to give it a whirl.  I’m rather fond of Rammy which sits amidst the pretty West Pennine Moors and it also gave us the chance to have a little meander around the town and catch up with a mate who lives locally.

Largely I’m just going to let the photos do the talking about our lunch.  Jamie and I were both very happy as I think you can see from  the photos.  The food was good, the service was attentive and fast and it was just £20.95 for two courses.  My monkfish and coconut dahl was excellent and I felt very  smug for ordering such a healthy main.  Jamie’s aged Lancashire beef was delightful – I had a mouthful and was overcome with food envy.  And pudding was a compressed grape and vanilla cheesecake. So good!

Ramsbottom 2
A very happy customer attacking his aged Lancashire beef
A pigeon cassoulet starter
Ramsbottom 3
Monkfish and coconut dahl – healthy and tasty
Ramsbottom 4
Compressed grape and vanilla cheesecake – yes please.

Ramsbottom 5
And a little post lunch meander around Ramsbottom and it’s steam railway station